module:App(canvas, gridSize)

Main class of the application. It represents an instance of the whole editor and holds references to all its elements.

new module:App(canvas, gridSize)

Initialize the Svg class

Name Type Description
canvas string

query selector of the SVG element, that will contain all SVG content of the application

gridSize number

initial size of the grid in SVG pixels



jQuery element for the SVG document

boxes :Array

Array of all boxes (instances of objects derived from editorElements.Box) used on canvas


Generate an object containing export data for the canvas and all elements. Data from this function should cover all important information needed to import the network in a different session.

gridSize :number

space between grid lines in SVG pixels


Get the height of the main SVG element

leftTopPadding :number

distance from the left top corner to the first element in the imported network and distance from the left top corner to the imported black box in grid pixels

messages :Messages

Interface for showing messages to the user

tutorial :Tutorial

property containing an instance of Tutorial, if there is any


Get the width of the main SVG element

wires :Array

Array of all wires (instances of editorElements.Wire) used on canvas


Get the current zoom multiplier of the canvas


Set the zoom multiplier of the canvas. I sets the viewbox zoom and then applies the new value by calling this.applyViewbox()


static snapToGrid(value, gridSize) → {number}

static function for snapping a value to a grid

Name Type Description
value number

value in SVG pixels

gridSize number

size of the grid in SVG pixels

number -

the value rounded to the closest number divisible by the grid size


Add a new pattern to the definitions element in the SVG document

Name Type Description
pattern svgObj.Pattern

pattern that will be added to the element in the SVG document

appendElement(element, refreshopt)

Add an element to the canvas

Name Type Attributes Default Description
element editorElements.NetworkElement

Element that will be added on the canvas

refresh Boolean <optional>

if true, the SVG document will be reloaded after adding this element

appendJQueryObject(object, refreshopt)

Append a jQuery element to the SVG document (helper for this.appendElement)

Name Type Attributes Default Description
object object

jQuery element that will be added to the SVG document

refresh Boolean <optional>

if true, the SVG document will be reloaded after adding this element


Set the viewBox attribute of the SVG element and size and position attributes of the rectangle with the background grid to match the values in this.viewbox


helper for wireCreationHelper that cancels the wire creation process


Remove all boxes from the canvas

displayContextMenu(x, y, $target)

Display the context menu on the specified position

Name Type Description
x number

horizontal position in CSS pixels

y number

vertical position in CSS pixels

$target jQuery.element

the item user clicked on (used to display "remove this element"-type items in the menu)


helper for wireCreationHelper that displays a grey wire between the first connector and the specified mousePosition

Name Type Description
mousePosition Object

object with x and y coordinates in SVG pixels

getBoxByConnectorId(boxId) → {editorElements.Box}

Find the correct instance of editorElements.Box in the app's boxes by ID of a connector that belongs to this box

Name Type Description
boxId string

id of the connector

editorElements.Box -

instance of the box

getBoxById(boxId) → {editorElements.Box}

Find the correct instance of editorElements.Box in the app's boxes by the provided id

Name Type Description
boxId string

id of the box

editorElements.Box -

instance of the box

getConnectorById(connectorId, wireopt) → {editorElements.Connector}

Get instance of a connector based on it's ID (and also on an instance of editorElements.Wire if provided)

The wire variable is used as heuristic: When we know the wire, we have to check only two gates instead of all of them

Name Type Attributes Description
connectorId string

id of the connector

wire editorElements.Wire <optional>

instance of the Wire that is connected to this connector

editorElements.Connector -

instance of the connector

getConnectorPosition(connector, snapToGridopt) → {Object}

get the coordinates of the specified connector

Name Type Attributes Default Description
connector Connector

instance of Connector

snapToGrid Boolean <optional>

if true, the connector position will be snapped to the grid

Object -

point - object containing numeric attributes x and y

getInconvenientNodes() → {Set}

get set of nodes, that are inconvenient for wiring, but can be used, just are not preferred

Set -

set of nodes (objects containing x and y coordinates) that are not preferred for wiring

getNonRoutableNodes() → {Set}

get set of nodes, that cannot be used for wiring at any circumstances

Set -

set of nodes (objects containing x and y coordinates) that are not suitable for wiring

getRealJQueryTarget(target) → {target}

Get the logical jQuery target based on the factual jQuery target.

If the object, that user interacted with, is not a connector and is in a group, return the group jQuery object instead of the original jQuery object.

Name Type Description
target target

jQuery target of the object user interacted with

target -

jQuery target of the object user wanted to interact with

getRealTarget(target) → {editorElements.NetworkElement}

Get instance of some object from editorElement based on the jQuery target

Name Type Description
target target

jQuery target that user interacted with

editorElements.NetworkElement -

instance of an object derived from editorElements.NetworkElement that the user interacted with

getWireById(wireId) → {editorElements.Wire}

Find the correct instance of editorElements.Wire in the app's wires by the provided id

Name Type Description
wireId string

id of the wire

editorElements.Wire -

instance of the wire

getWiresByConnectorId(connectorId) → {Set}

Find all wires that are connected to the specified connector

Name Type Description
connectorId string

id of the connector

Set -

set of ID's of the wires connected to this connector

gridToSVG(value) → {number}

convert grid pixels to SVG pixels

Name Type Description
value number

distance in grid pixels

number -

distance in SVG pixels


hide the context menu


helper for wireCreationHelper that hides the temporary wire when wire creation is done

importData(data, xopt, yopt)

Recreate a logic network from the data provided

Name Type Attributes Description
data object

object containing information about the imported network

x number <optional>

horizontal position of the left top corner of the network in grid pixels

y number <optional>

vertical position of the left top corner of the network in grid pixels


move an element to the back in the canvas

Name Type Description
objId string

id of the element


move an element to the front in the canvas

Name Type Description
objId string

id of the element

newBlackbox(x, y, inputs, outputs, table, name, refreshopt) → {editorElements.Blackbox}

creates a new blackbox

Name Type Attributes Default Description
x number

horizontal position of the blackbox in SVG pixels

y number

vertical position of the gate in SVG pixels

inputs number

number of input pins of this blackbox

outputs number

number of output pins of this blackbox

table Array

Array of arrays, each inner array contains list of Logic.states, that describe the combination of input pin and output pin states in the order from the top to bottom for both input and output connectors. If we had an AND array as a blackbox, one of the states could be [Logic.state.on,,] which means that if the first input connector is in the on state and the second connector is in the off state, the state of the output connector will be off. The array can be described as [state for input conn 1, state for input conn 2, ..., state for output conn 1, state for output conn 2 ...].

name string

a name that will be displayed on the blackbox

refresh boolean <optional>

if true, this.refresh() will be called after adding the gate

editorElements.Blackbox -

instance of Blackbox that has been added to the canvas

newBox(x, y, object, refreshopt) → {editorElements.Box}

Add a new Box to the canvas

Name Type Attributes Default Description
x number

horizontal position of the box in SVG pixels

y number

vertical position of the box in SVG pixels

object editorElements.Box

instance of an object derived from the editorElements.Box class

refresh Boolean <optional>

if true, this.refresh() will be called after adding the box

editorElements.Box -

return the instance of the newly added object

newGate(name, x, y, refreshopt) → {editorElements.Gate}

Create a new gate on the specified position

Name Type Attributes Default Description
name string

type of the gate (and, or ...)

x number

horizontal position of the gate in SVG pixels

y number

vertical position of the gate in SVG pixels

refresh boolean <optional>

if true, this.refresh() will be called after adding the gate

editorElements.Gate -

instance of Gate that has been newly added

newInput(x, y, isOnopt, refreshopt) → {editorElements.InputBox}

Create an input box on the specified position

Name Type Attributes Default Description
x number

horizontal position of the gate in SVG pixels

y number

vertical position of the gate in SVG pixels

isOn boolean <optional>

state of the input box (default is false (off))

refresh boolean <optional>

if true, this.refresh() will be called after adding the input box

editorElements.InputBox -

instance of the InputBox that has been newly added

newOutput(x, y, refreshopt) → {editorElements.InputBox}

Create an output box on the specified position

Name Type Attributes Default Description
x number

horizontal position of the gate in SVG pixels

y number

vertical position of the gate in SVG pixels

refresh boolean <optional>

if true, this.refresh() will be called after adding the output box

editorElements.InputBox -

instance of the OutputBox that has been newly added

newWire(fromId, toId, refreshopt) → {editorElements.Wire}

Create a new wire connecting the provided connectors

Name Type Attributes Default Description
fromId string

id of the connector that the wire is attached to

toId string

id of the connector that the wire is attached to

refresh Boolean <optional>

if refresh is set to true, the SVG document will be reloaded after adding the wire

editorElements.Wire -

instance of editorElements.Wire that has been added to the canvas


Process all keydown events that are connected to the app

Name Type Description
event jquery.KeyboardEvent

KeyboardEvent generated by a listener


Process all keyup events that are connected to the app

Name Type Description
event jquery.KeyboardEvent

KeyboardEvent generated by a listener


Process all mousedown events that are happening directly on the canvas

Name Type Description
event jquery.MouseEvent

MouseEvent generated by a listener


Process all mousemove events that are happening directly on the canvas

Name Type Description
event jquery.MouseEvent

MouseEvent generated by a listener


Process all mouseup events that are happening directly on the canvas


Reload the SVG document (needed to display a newly appended jQuery object)


Remove a box from canvas based on the provided ID

Name Type Description
boxId string

id of the box that should be removed


Remove wire that has the provided ID

Name Type Description
wireId string

ID of the wire that should be removed


Remove all wires that are connected to the connector provided by its ID

Name Type Description
connectorId string

ID of the connector

snapToGrid(value) → {number}

snap a value to a grid

Name Type Description
value number

value in SVG pixels

number -

the value rounded to the closest number divisible by the grid size

startNewSimulation(startingConnector, state)

Run a logic simulation from the startingConnector. This refreshes the states of all elements in the network whose inputs are directly (or by transition) connected to startingConnector's output

Name Type Description
startingConnector OutputConnector

run simulation from this output connector

state Logic.state

new state of the startingConnector


start the tutorial

SVGToGrid(value) → {number}

convert SVG pixels to grid pixels

Name Type Description
value number

distance in SVG pixels

number -

distance in grud pixels


When user clicks on a connector, remember it until they click on some other connector. Than call newWire with the last two connectors ids as arguments. Visualize the process by displaying a grey wire between the first conenctor and the mouse pointer.

Name Type Description
connectorId string

id of the connector that the user clicked on